April 16th: School "Lunch Break", Robotics Meeting
Today was horrendous!
They've decided to completely lock students into their classrooms during lunch. There has also been an evident glare from the increased school security. They said that they would bring lunch to students, but when they did, it was not the school lunch, but some purchased pizza, and there was very little pizza for everyone, too. It was actually hilarious how small the slices were. There were barely enough vegetables and fruits. This literally is illegal and I'm pretty sure that the school has broken legal school lunch laws.
After school, in today's robotics meeting, the programming team got to tune the PID values for the automatic note intake. At the end, they realized that they forgot to reset the PID controller, which is why all the tests weren't working too well. The other teams helped with purchasing field element materials.
In the mean time I wrote "The glaze up of Scar2D2," which I printed out, and will be posting on the robotics room bulletin board. I also got the opinion of many people regarding which role I should run for in the robotics election. Most people say I run for the team captain position.
Thanks for reading,