August 26th: Horrible Day!!!

Today was a really sh*tty day!!!

First, I intended to wake up at 5am for Senior Sunrise, where seniors go to the park together to watch the sunrise together. Except, I couldn't stay up and I fell back asleep!!! I missed the entire event!! A once in a lifetime experience!! That just made me really disappointed in myself and life.

Then, during 3rd period, I got my personal laptop taken away. I enjoyed my liberty but the damn admin at my crappy school can't take a chill pill and be reasonable. I use my laptop for educational purposes, and if the school can't supply a sufficient, capable, adequate laptop, I should be able to provide a substitute if the school can't provide be anything good enough for the current day.

Today was also the first day seniors were allowed to have off-campus lunch. However, this sh*tty school can't do anything good and it took so long for people to get off campus because of their horrible organization and coordination. I was in line for like 20 minutes, which is half of the lunch break, just waiting for the admin to process people because everything was so uncentralized. It's especially long this year because people have to get their phones unlocked before getting off campus. I wasn't really able to enjoy lunch since there was so little time. I wouldn't even have gone home.

Then, during cross country practice, it was so hot! We had to run 3 miles. A typical meet length. However, my feet starting going completely numb half way through the run? Also, I was running slower than my previous time. Maybe it was because I was tired or maybe it was so hot, but Jesus Christ, that was a pretty crappy run (relatively.) I think I could've run faster. I also forgot my watch in the classroom so I had to run with my heavy phone which threw off my balance.

I can't wait for the weekend. I just want a break!!! I want to sleep!!! I want to do something else!!!

Thanks for listening to my rant,
