August 30th: Bike, Homework, and Cheap Cameras

Today was OK.

I ended up NOT pulling an all-nighter last night, which meant I couldn't study the class I missed on Wednesday. It ended up being alright since our teacher gave those who ran the race on Wednesday an extension.

My grandpa tried to fix my bike but he ended up screwing it up more. I am seriously considering just buying a regular bike because my electric bike keeps breaking down.

After school, I went to the liquor store to buy some caffeinated beverages. Then, I did my literature homework, which took a long time, then I did a little bit more of my onShape training for robotics. It's going well.

Beware of crappy cameras on Amazon! I bought one for 50 dollars (really cheap) and it's definitely false advertising. It states that its like 40 or 50 megapixels with 16x zoom. But in reality, some cameras are really only a 720p or even 320p sensor, and they just lazily upscale the image. I hope I can return my camera but without my bike It'll probably be a good chunk of my time. I'm hoping that with the return money I can spend a little more on a decent camera.

Tonight I'm sleep just a little bit earlier, hopefully I get a lot done tomorrow!

Thanks for reading,
