December 17th: Broken Bike and Studying

Today could've been better.

After school I tried to fix my bike again. Unfortunately, when I took pictures of the spacer bolt and nut configuration for the back tire of my bike, I apparently didn't take good enough pictures, because now, when constructing them based off of what I have on my camera roll, the brake disk is hitting too close to the breaks, causing there to be a grind on them. Also, everything is just slightly misaligned, causing a specific screw to not screw in all the way. Unfortunately, the company I bought it from is really bad and doesn't have any documentation on it either!

If only my previous bike wasn't stolen...

Anyways, after that ordeal and resting for a while, I grinded the rest of my calculus homework. Unfortunately (I feel like I've been saying that a lot these past few days) I still need to finish my essay for a scholarship, study for the literature MCQ, and study for the AP Chemistry final.

I sure am screwed! It's 3AM as I write this.

Thanks for reading,
