February 18th: Working and Homework

Today was good.

I was called in to go to work today. When I went to work, a regular customer gave me a compliment about how hard I was working on Christmas Day when it was so busy and everyone was angry about their order not arriving earlier. It made me rather happy and grateful of my job and my position in life.

Anyways, if you remember earlier in the week, my grade for economics isn't doing so well because I couldn't understand and complete the homework for a chapter.

So, I stayed up until 3AM last night trying to understand last week's economics chapter. It was about supply and demand, a critical, essential topic in economics. So, if I didn't understand it, I would probably fail micro economics this semester. I woke up at 8AM so I could continue studying, even though I had to work today. I managed to understand the last chapter after reading about it this morning. Then, during the car ride to work, I got started on this week's chapter. I got half way through by the time I arrived to work. Then, during lunch break, I managed to finish this week's chapter, and I got started on the homework. Work wasn't too busy today.

At the end of the day (9AM) I finished the homework for the chapter. Then, when I got home, I had to start on the quiz. This quiz would be the make or break for my decision to continue on the course. If I did not do well enough, that is a good sign that I simply cannot continue in the economics course. However, if I did well enough, that means that I have enough time in my schedule for studying for the economics course. Either way, I need to improve my time management and I need to stop procrastinating.

I spent around an hour on the quiz (60 questions!) and I managed to get 87% on it! That's good enough for me! My grade for my economics course improved 5 percent this week, which I'm very happy about.

YAY! I WILL SURVIVE ECONOMICS CLASS! (I probably will regret saying this and I think I just jinxed myself)

Thanks for reading,
