February 3rd: Robotics Meeting

Today was good. I slept a lot today which was nice.

For today's Robotics Meeting, we got a decent amount done. The engineering team got their polycarbonate, so the got to work with using it for our launcher system. However, the space was just too tight, and the polycarbonate was really grippy, so they said they'll need to add spacers so that the note can go through.

The electrical team also finished up the electrical board. This enabled the programming team to finally test some of their code. We also updated the driver station software and the roboRIO image with the latest version. We managed to get the IMU working, and were able to get positions. There's still some drift, but along with the Lime Light, we should be able to get accurate robot positions on the field. We installed the lime light onto the electrical board, too. We'll just need to continue setting it up during our next meeting.

Thanks for reading,
