July 22nd: Statistics Exam, School Student Panel, and Cross Country Conditioning

Today was busy and tiring.

Last night I slept on the couch. I woke up at 5 AM, did a bit of studying, and then took a shower and continued studying. After eating a quick breakfast, my father drove my bike and I to Chabot College so I could take my Statistics Exam.

It was when I entered the testing room that I realized that I forgot my calculator for the exam! I had to run to the STEM center to borrow a calculator, but it opens right as my exam starts, so I had to wait a little while before I could begin my exam. The exam didn't feel too bad, I was familiar with how to do the problems, but I think I had some problems with the specific wording of some of the problems.

Anyways, after the exam, I had to bike as fast as possible back to my regular high school, because I was invited to be part of a student panel! Honestly I had some trouble answering questions because I didn't really have the time this weekend to read over them and prepare for them, but oh well! I think I did good enough.

When I got home I ate lunch and took a nap until it was time to get ready for Cross Country Conditioning. Unfortunately, I haven't done any exercise the entire summer, so I truly suffered while exercising. I was also really tired since I haven't been getting much sleep.

Tomorrow is a pretty free day, which is relaxing since I've been busy these past few days. Hopefully I can get ahead of homework so I can get a buffer and be less stressed!

Thanks for reading,
