July 9th: Homework, AP Score Game, and Apricots

Today was pretty productive and good!

I woke up a little bit earlier and went to my Statistics professor's office hours to clarify something. Then, I got started with my Spanish homework. Unfortunately, the Spanish work is getting a bit harder, which makes me a bit more concerned, but I really hope that I can keep doing well and improving my Spanish.

After I finished my homework, I got some work done on my AP Score Game. I did lots of the foundational work, so hopefully, I can finish it fast enough before the AP Score Reaction Video craze dies down. Though I have homework and volunteering tomorrow, hopefully I finish quickly enough!

In the evening my friend Christy brought my family and I more apricots. There were a lot! Thank you so much, Christy! When my dad came home, he ate 4!

Thanks for reading,
