June 5th: Finals (Day 3): The Last Day Of Junior Year

Today was alright.

It's the last day of my junior year today. I can't believe I'm a senior now! I'm excited yet nervous for the future.

My finals today were pretty easy. My US History final was just a discussion/debate. When it was 6th period, for AP Calc, we helped our teacher organize her room. My teacher allowed me to borrow a calculator. Thanks, Ms. Macias!

After school we went to the near by plaza, and afterwards we went to the local duck pond. Everyone brought water guns, so they were splashing each other with water. It was rather chaotic! I got splashed a couple of times. I ended up playing a game of basketball with some school friends. Afterwards, there wasn't much for me to do, so I just went back home.

I can't believe Junior year is over for me now. In just a few months I'll be a senior. I feel that in my junior year, I prioritized the wrong things, and I forgot to focus on more important matters. So, I wish that in senior year, I'll be more wise and less impulsive, and think about what's important. I think it was this that has caused junior year to have both it's ups yet low downs. But that's all unchangeable, in the past. I only have the future to look forward to now.

Thanks for reading,
