March 19th: Robotics Meeting, Not Doing Homework

Today was OK.

In today's robotics meeting, we got a large donation of assorted robotics parts, like some mecanum wheels and robotics cameras and other cool stuff. Most of it is probably incompatible for FRC, but it's still great that we got donations!

Anyways, the programming team finally got access to the robot, and photonvision got updated once more. Unfortunately, we aren't able to access photonvision, and it appears that the release is broken because we can't even run it and access it locally.

The engineering team reattached the launcher to the chassis as well, so hopefully we can get our robot up and running soon enough!

When I got home I took a 2 hour nap. When I woke up I ate dinner, showered, then instead of doing my homework, I fell asleep. I feel that I've developed a "cut your losses" mindset about doing work, where if I stay up too late, instead of doing my homework, I decided that I should get some sleep instead. This is good because I'm getting an hour extra of sleep, but I have a ton of upcoming assigned projects that I need to finish. Fortunately, there will not be school this Friday, and hopefully we will not be having a robotics meeting that day, so hopefully I can take that time to finish my homework.

Thanks for reading,
