May 29th: Mr K's Award, Robotics Election Results, Track and Field Conditioning

Today was alright. I skipped class a lot, but I think I skip a bit more tomorrow.

In homeroom, we were passed personalized awards given to us by our teachers. I was given the "Did We Start A Cult?" award by Mr. K. Thanks Mr. K! I feel very honored to be bestowed this award by him.

After school, the results of the robotics election were announced. I am honored to be next year's team captain! Unfortunately, I did not get the programming lead role, but hopefully I can help in programming still!

After the short meeting I attended the track and field conditioning. Unfortunately, I forgot to get water, but it was alright. We did some stretches, then did some evaluation running and jumping. I will be very busy next semester with robotics, cross country, and track and field, and college applications. I'm almost a little scared of the load, but hopefully I learn to focus. There's so much I want to do but such unlimited time!

After practice I was so tired and braindead. Like, I was literally braindead, all I could do was lay my head on the couch and sleep. Even when I woke up I felt so much confusion and thought yet I didn't do anything. I finally got out of my trance at around 8am.

There's a lot of homework I need to do. I really need to rest, but I need to catch up on homework because I've been skipping class. Maybe I should stop skipping class so much. Fortunately, tomorrow, all of my classes are rather chill, so I think I can get away with a bit of skipping.

Thanks for reading,

Did We Start A Cult?

This certificate is presented to

Issac Woo

I have far too much to say about Issac than I can put into words. Reliable, brilliant, works too hard and doesn't get enough sleep, hilarious empathetic, honest to a fault, and so much more. The last thing I ever expected was for you to start a cult! You've grown into an incredible leader within the team and amongst your peers. The word "proud" scratches the surface of how I feel and I can't wait to see what you accomplish next season. Just don't get me in trouble with the cult! (And please sleep more)

