January 2nd: Missed Chances? And Layer Mining 2

Today was alright.

I think I was overthinking a prompt, which caused me to waste lots of time. I'm not sure if I actually submitted my application in time. It said that it was due 11:59 my local time but then when I submitted it it stated the time in eastern time, and that it might've been overdue? I'm not entirely sure, but all I can do is hope. I've already submitted an email checking in with the admissions office.

Unfortunately, I'm quite hooked on a Hypixel Housing game. It's called Layer Mining 2. It's pretty impressive, and it's gained lots of traction. It's your typical idle game where you mainly AFK, waiting for your stats to increase, then you upgrade, repeat, and rebirth. Perhaps a bit more popular than some other Hypxiel games! I hope the creator, Al3xWarrior, is gaining the traction and attention he deserves for the game. It's honestly a full fledged game, quite Roblox-esque. I wouldn't say it belongs on the Hypixel server though as an official game, but it definitely has the attention of one. Hypixel Skyblock certainly has some AFK elements but it has more pathways and content than Layer Mining 2.

Thanks for reading
