March 4th: Robotics Meeting and Sleep

Today could've been better.

After school in the robotics meeting, I intended to do homework. Unfortunately, I kept getting pulled away to do robotics stuff.

I started off by taking out 3D prints and preparing some smaller ones. The intake squad needed a test wheel to put grippy tape on. Unfortunately, the bore hole was too small, so they spent a lot of time filing it down until it could be reasonably pushed into the hex shaft.

Later, when the prints came out for the roboRIO pin covers, I tested them. They're quite a tight fit, but they still work fine! So, I prepared a mass print to fill up all of the unused pins.

Then, the print for the MOSFET cage came out, and I was surprised by how well it worked. The lid just snaps into the base! Unfortunately, the mounting holes aren't FRC-typical, and it's un-editable. It's not the highest priority though, having a robot is!

Damn, I'm so tired and sleep deprived. Today Matthew said that my eye bags were rather protruded.

Thanks for reading,

We got some new lights for robotics. I set my camera's shutter speed real fast, which made the light barely reflect on anything. An interesting photo in my opinion. So dim yet dramatic.
