March 5th: Economics Board Game and Midterms Galore!

I wish today was a lot better than it was.

Wow, isn't life exciting when you aren't doing robotics every day?

I finished my group economics board game. It is about incentives and trading. We play-tested it today and we all thought it was pretty fun! It's called Seaside Snack Swap. We decided to use a bunch of assorted grain for game currency and monopoly pieces for players. We printed out our game board and have player cards with associated objectives. I'm pretty proud of it. We thought it wasn't going to be as fun, but it was actually pretty fun!

Anyways, another plus of today was that I had the self-respect to leave the robotics meeting an hour earlier. I was actually pretty busy, jumping around everything and doing a bit of work everywhere. I think it would've been a really productive robotics today, but I have to prioritize the numerous midterms that I had to do today.

The biggest, glaring one that I needed to prepare for was for my Multivariable Calculus class. Our midterm was on vectors and dot and cross product. After I took a slightly-longer-than-expected nap once I got home, I got to reviewing as much as I could, though I definitely could've been more efficient in my reviewing. I left home a bit later than I wanted to, 6:35 instead of 6:15, but I still ended up making it to class on time.

The midterm was hell. I was able to answer the first two questions, but the rest forced me to sit there and practically BS my way into finding an answer. I ended up changing all of my answers 2-3 times for some questions. 

I turned in my midterm early and rushed to an open study room so I could do my Spanish midterm. Well, it's not exactly a midterm, it's technically a chapter exam, but that's basically a midterm for my Spanish course. I spedran, meeting as many of the minimum requirements as possible and barely reading the texts. Finishing it in just 30 minutes, I think I did alright.

There's a real good chance I did horribly (<70%) on my calculus and spanish midterms. A higher chance that I did bad on my calculus midterm which will have a grander impact on my calculus grade since less is graded in that class. I hope to put more focus in the class for the next chapter, though I'm not sure if I can balance it all with robotics. I'll need to make better use of my Fridays.

Thanks for reading,

Here's the board game! We used a pizza box as the base of our board. I had just rolled 2 1's, the worst roll I could get.
